Build a brand that actually resonates with your audience

People are crying out for brands that speak to them on a human level. We hear what they want—and we know what you need.

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Lots of brands have potential for growth—but they don’t know how to tap into it

So many businesses can’t actually see whether their marketing is paying off. Or they know they’re on the right lines, but they need a steady hand to guide them. Or they believe they’ll never see huge results without a similarly huge budget.

Luckily, a lot of these businesses have found Pixated. As a branding agency, our creatives, strategists and performance marketers collaborate to ensure all your design and brand elements are geared toward maximising results.

Our talented team have the eye to see what makes your brand special. Our branding specialists see what your audience loves most about you—even if you don’t see it yourself—and can tailor your brand to your audience’s precise needs and desires.


How we build an eye-catching brand

Our branding agency model centres around regular manageable milestones, so you always know where your campaigns are. Your needs always come first. Your questions will never go unanswered.

As a results-focused creative branding agency, we home in on delivering you real growth, ensuring you maximise your ROI—no vanity metrics in sight!

Success pixatedstories

Our branding and design agency is renowned not only among startups but also among established businesses struggling with their brand identity. But don’t just take our word for it—see how our branding service has transformed conversions for companies spanning all sorts of industry.


We’ll get to know your target customers while exploring the market and analysing your competition. That way we’ll uncover insights, validate your assumptions, and formulate a strategic approach to futureproof your brand.


Our 4-steppixated process


We’ll nail your proposition, strategy and market positioning, then give you the tools to communicate your story effectively and consistently.


Our 4-steppixated process


We’ll design your logo and refine your fonts, colour palette and digital brand guidelines, bringing your proposition to life in a single unique visual language.


Our 4-steppixated process


We’ll deliver your suite of branded launch materials—then sit back and watch those conversions positively burst into life.


Our 4-steppixated process

4 key benefits of using a branding agency

A strong brand means recognition. Consistency. People trusting you implicitly—sometimes before they’ve even really registered the details. A strong brand is the nucleus of all your successes—but even though you can ‘see’ what your brand could be, it takes an expertly crafted strategy to actualise your vision and guide you through your branding journey. Enter: the branding agency.

Enhance brand recognition

Even if a customer isn’t ready to buy from you, with good branding they’ll at least know you exist. A strong and consistent brand recognisable across every context increases the likelihood of customers perceiving your brand as strong and consistent, and therefore worth buying from.


Improve customer loyalty

A continually positive experience with your brand makes customers loyal, not only because they’re satisfied with your product or service, but also because they know you’re there when they need you. What’s more, customers spend more money on brands they’re loyal to—and they’re more likely to return as well.


Experience word-of-mouth marketing

When your brand tells a compelling story, people are more likely to pass it on. Word-of-mouth marketing is the purest form of social proof, because those conveying your story want nothing in return. In fact, they’re only too happy to extol the virtues of your strong and distinctive brand!


Reduce your audience’s price sensitivity

Price sensitivity measures how concerned customers are about paying a premium for quality. A strong and unique brand is perceived as more reputable, so customers are more likely to feel they need what you provide—even if it’s more expensive than the competition’s product or service.

Getting to know you

First we’ll run you through a questionnaire to establish your:

Audience: What defines the group who are most likely to want your product or service? What pain points do they encounter that you can directly solve?

Brand positioning: How have you been getting your brand into the minds of those you want to reach? Brand positioning is about so much more than an awesome logo or catchy tagline, important as these are—it’s an entire strategy centred around setting your business head and shoulders above the competition.

Brand personality: What framework do you have in place to shape the way people feel about your product or service? How do you elicit an emotional response to attract people into your marketing funnel?

Brand style: How do you use colour, pattern and even texture to communicate your message? Does your brand’s overall ‘look’ complement what you do, or is a mismatch holding you back?

Features and benefits: How clear is it to an uninitiated passerby what it is you do? Does all your marketing material convey simply and precisely how they would benefit from your product or service?

Brand purpose: What is your business’s why, beyond simply turning a profit? What’s your vision, your mission?

Brand values: What foundational beliefs underpin your business? How do they guide your actions and tie in with the product or service you provide?

What makes you different: Beyond mere marketing spiel, what is it about your brand and business that is legitimately unique? What is your brand voice? How could your USP resonate with people, especially those who would benefit from your product or service but aren’t aware of it?

Developing your unique look and feel

Once we know your brand like we’ve been there since day one, we’ll develop your:

Visual identity: What is it about the imagery and designs you employ in your marketing that could give you a competitive advantage? How do these elements come together to represent the overall ‘feel’ of your brand?

Logo: As the single most vital graphic symbol your business uses, how effectively does your logo convey what you do and stand for? What makes it unique, and how might it be evolved over time if necessary, to reflect a shifting marketplace?

Colour values and palette: For a huge proportion of your audience, colour will be the primary draw when making that split-second decision to opt for you or your competitor. According to colour psychology, is your brand conveying its ‘feel’ as well as it could through its shades alone?

Typefaces: How are you arranging and styling the text in your marketing material? Does your house font represent your brand better than any other could?

Graphics and icons: Your marketing material has symbols and images scattered across it with liberal abandon. But have you actually optimised them to deliver the most powerful first impression?

Image and illustration styles: The style of the pictures you use in your marketing holds the potential to convey a huge range and depth of meaning. Every image and illustration takes up valuable real estate, and you might be amazed at how each could be improved—or even replaced with something far more impressive and representative of your brand.

Futureproofing your brand

Finally we’ll produce your digital brand guidelines, outlining the rules surrounding the use of every creative element. That means no matter where they come across you, your customers and prospects will know from a glance that it’s your brand they’re looking at. That level of brand recognition is powerful.

Trusted by ourpixated clients


Our specialists offer a wide range of services, including brand strategy, brand identity development, logo and package design, marketing collateral development, and website design and development. Moreover, we can give you guidance on how to use your social media presence to build, nurture, and evolve your brand.

Our process is simple and streamlined. We get all the information we need, then put together an action plan for your brand.

It all starts with an easy questionnaire, where we establish your audience, personality and positioning. Then our branding specialists get to work, focusing on your visual identity, typefaces, imagery, colour palette, tone of voice… the list goes on! Moreover, they also develop in-depth guidelines for your brand. That way your brand can be communicated effectively and consistently in the future, no matter who’s working on it.

Sure! You can explore a variety of brands we’ve developed for a wide range of clients over at our case studies.

Naturally it varies widely, depending on the size of your business, how many brand touchpoints we’re creating, and how many decision makers are involved in the approval process. However, as a rough guide our branding process generally takes 6–12 weeks.

Our fees depend on the time and complexity of your project, such as whether you need us to create a brand from scratch or instead reinvigorate your existing brand. Once we know your needs we can provide an accurate estimate.

Absolutely! We’ll begin your project with thorough market research and analysis, which will help guide and inform your brand strategy, positioning and development. Ultimately this background work serves to produce a brand with a unique voice and identity, resonating with customers and setting you head and shoulders above the competition.

We work with you to understand your business’s goals, values, vision, purpose and mission, then ensure every stage of our branding process is anchored in those fundamentals. We compile a document after our first meeting to pinpoint your objectives, and don’t move forward until you’re happy with our understanding of your needs. Then we conduct intensive research into your competitors and target audience, and even interview your key stakeholders to understand your company’s ethos from those who had a hand in creating it.

Yes! Once we’ve finalised your brand strategy, we’ll help you action it across your various platforms and touchpoints. We can help you create marketing collateral, as well as design your website, develop your ad campaigns, and guide you through integrating your brand across your media channels. Our specialists will create a seamless experience for your audience by ensuring your brand is represented consistently and equally reinforced in all customer interactions.

Sure! Our rebranding is an intensive process of overhauling your existing brand identity, or even forging a new identity altogether for your brand. Alternatively, if your brand has just got a bit stale but is still serving you well, our specialists can reinvigorate your tone, imagery and messaging, and help you refine your values, identity and mission statement.

People love stories—and that’s where we start. What’s the purpose of your business? What’s your vision? How do you add value to people, society, even the world at large? These are all integral elements of the narrative we’ll work you to develop, which will then underpin everything your brand does. With a unique and emotive story in place, we’ll help you boost brand awareness, hone your brand voice, and create eye-catching assets and experiences that make your personality sing.

Absolutely! Our highly talented designers have helped countless clients develop visuals and imagery befitting their brands.

Yes. Our in-house writers are skilled at condensing down your message and repackaging it in an accessible and jargon-free manner for your audience, while helping you hone the way you deliver that message through a unique and personable tone of voice.

We do—in fact, a brand guidelines document is one of our key deliverables. Once we’ve finished working with you, you’ll need to be able to train your own staff in the way to promote and work with your brand. Consistency is key.

We’ve helped a lot of businesses—but don’t just take our word for it

Our overall D2C sales have increased by 40%, yet our costs have decreased by 30%. Very impressed with the work Pixated have been doing behind the scenes to help us achieve that!
Pixated were hands-on and quick to respond. They communicated frequently and provided regular check-ins. I would definitely go back and use them again!
Pixated’s work has generated a big increase in our online conversions. We are particularly impressed with their professionalism and knowledge.
Pixated’s performance marketing support has led to a tenfold increase in business for our brand. The team have impressed us with their strong communication skills.
Daily reports from Pixated ensured that we could see the direct impact of their impressive work from day one.


Build a brand they know from a mile off

Goodbye, bland graphics. Adios, meaningless platitudes. Sayonara, forgettable logo. Your customers and prospects want a brand they can actually relate to—and that’s exactly what you deserve, too.

Our dedicated team builds brands like no one else. Dynamic, vibrant, buzzing brands that pop off the page and dance off the screen. We’re not interested in doing the niceties, or playing it safe, or nodding along. We’re the branding agency that’s gonna innovate, inspire, to turn your brand upside-down—and wow your customers with its uniqueness.

Build my brand pixated

Where’s next for your brand?

No matter where you are in your marketing journey, our dazzling team of specialists will keep you moving, show you how to grow, and help you actualise the vision you’ve always secretly had for your brand.

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