Email marketing that gets the right people onside

The right email at the right time can convert a cold lead into a warm lead, a fellow business into a loyal customer, and a first-time buyer into a lifelong advocate of your brand. Tell your audience just what they want to hear, when they want to hear it.

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Question: What generates a higher ROI than any other channel?

Answer: Email marketing!

Now listen, we get it: some marketers fail to see meaningful ROI from their email marketing campaigns—but that’s because their timings are all off.

Think about your own inbox, the flurry of promo emails you’re bombarded with each and every day. Too much noise. Too much clutter. And if an email from a well-meaning business drops in at the wrong moment, not only will you discard it, but you might also get annoyed at them simply for having reached out to you.

Some email marketing agencies overuse the approach—but that doesn’t mean it’s not deadly when done with prowess. That’s the fine line our own specialists traverse like tightrope walkers. Reach your target audience in a warm and personalised way, improving sales, leads and traffic along the way.

Let’s prove the naysayers wrong: email marketing ain’t dead yet, friend. Whether you’re in B2B or B2C, get ready for the results you need to spend less time in your inbox and more time thinking outside the box.


Devastatingly effective email marketing campaigns

Email marketing provides reliable communication between your brand and your customers. It’s a cost-effective way to reach them where they are every day: their inbox.

Unlike many other marketing channels, email marketing actually means you can stay in touch with your audience on a regular and consistent basis. No matter how simple the message, even just a Happy birthday! or Thanks for subscribing!, email communications are the easiest way to let your customers know you value them. People love it when businesses treat them as individuals, and a little personalised message can go a long way.

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As an email marketing agency, we’re renowned not only among startups but also among established businesses looking to boost both their brand awareness and their bottom line. But don’t just take our word for it—see how our email marketing team have transformed leads, sales and traffic for a vast array of companies.


This is about so much more than open rates and CTR. Together let’s double down on the metrics that move the needle most: revenue per email, revenue per subscriber, list growth rate. You name it, it’s in our arsenal.


Our 4-steppixated process


Fine-tune your email marketing campaigns, playing with the copy, layout and timing—whatever it takes to turn potential customers into repeat shoppers. Every campaign will be guided by the story of your brand, and geared toward steady business growth.


Our 4-steppixated process


Let’s build out automated sequences like abandoned carts and post-purchase upsells to ensure no potential revenue is left on the table.


Our 4-steppixated process


We’ll drive your campaigns according to our proven email marketing strategy—but we also want your guidance. Tell us the values, ideas and concepts your brand represents, and together we’ll tweak your campaigns around them to continually hone your brand voice.


Our 4-steppixated process

Unlock a new channel of business revenue

Grow your list, create consistent and engaged buyers, and build a reliable source of profit into your business. All through the power of the humble email marketing campaign.

Automated sequence builds

Your emails will be sent out automatically on a schedule, and we’ll harness this automation to nurture your leads, keep your audience up to date with your brand, and draw potential customers into your email marketing funnel.


Creation and send management

Depending on the level of involvement you want, we can run your campaigns from start to finish, freeing you up to focus on what matters most: building your business while we beaver away in the background.


Ongoing KPI analysis

By gauging your campaigns’ long-term performance using preagreed quantifiable measurements, together we’ll illuminate the next steps in your digital marketing journey.


In-house copy and creative design

Through creative and eye-catching emails, entice your customers to click through, scroll down, and engage with your CTA.


B2B or B2C, with email marketing you can easily boost your sales

Email marketing isn’t just a handy tool for marketing—it can transform your sales, too. By introducing customers to your product or service through email, you can remind them to purchase after having abandoned their cart, or deliver them a special offer. You can also encourage a purchase if certain recipients are more likely to buy from you because they’ve already opted in to your messages and updates.

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Reach the right people at the right time—while giving them genuine value

People are always checking their inboxes. Anytime, and on any device. As often as 5 hours a day, in fact—and the average open rate is 21%. As a business, this means you have a golden opportunity to get in front of your customer base on a regular basis, ensuring you get and stay top-of-mind.

Email marketing is a hugely effective way to cultivate customer loyalty, because you can add value even when they’re not making a purchase. And when your audience have specifically opted in to hear from you, you can engage people already interested in your brand with an array of resources, information and entertaining email content. By providing them with value-adding email communications over the long term, your customers will sit up and take note, while you witness both your ROI and conversion rates skyrocket—and even higher than on other channels!

Trusted by ourpixated clients


A great email marketing campaign requires strong and savvy strategising around what your target audience will get out of it. Your individual emails must be both concise and packed with engaging information, adding value to readers without demanding much of their time.

Our in-house marketing specialists will segment your audience, tailor the email content to their needs and pain points, and ensure every email has a clear purpose and CTA. It’s all about finding the balance between being consistently present for your subscribers but not overloading their inboxes.

Absolutely! Our team implement a wide variety of strategies to build your email list, such as running competitions on your socials and conducting paid media campaigns with the goal of driving signups. Once we know your business objectives, we can propose a plan to effectively grow your mailing list as quickly as possible.

Your subscribers list degrades over time, so it’s important to continually nurture it and seek new and innovative ways to build it out.

That’s where our specialists can be truly invaluable to you, helping you grow your list in a myriad of ways, such as creating unique and eye-catching email content, segmenting your list by buyer persona, producing a new lead generation offer, promoting content through your social profiles that requires an email address to access, and reinvigorating a stale list with an opt-in campaign.

…And that’s only scratching the surface of what our team can do for you!

A bland-looking email may as well be sent straight to trash—you just know no one’s engaging with that. But how do you include value-adding information in your emails while ensuring they entice subscribers and keep them reading to the end?

That’s where our tried-and-tested in-house email designs come in. We don’t use ‘templates’ as such—not the sort of thing you’d get from Fiverr, for example!—but rather create attractive, time-saving and easy-to-use designs—entirely bespoke to your brand and campaign needs. These designs can be repurposed across your campaigns, maximising your odds of boosting conversions and achieving an incredible ROI.

There’s no end to the kind of content you can include in your emails—all that matters is that each has been carefully crafted to further the goals of your campaign.

For some clients we produce an immersive and informative weekly newsletter. For others we create fun and appealing promotional emails, bursting with irresistible offers. Sometimes we produce emails requesting feedback or customer testimonials. But no matter what, we continually use our analytics tools to create automated emails triggered by certain customer behaviours as they interact with your company online.

Of course! Our world-class team of in-house writers boast decades of experience between them, and have produced high-converting email copy for some of the world’s biggest companies, spanning every industry imaginable. Let them weave their wordsmith magic—and see your open rates explode!

We’ll segment your email list based on the goals of your marketing campaign. That might mean splitting subscribers by preferences, demographics or buying behaviours. We often use even more granular data to create narrower segments according to age, sex, location, even interests.

Once we’ve identified the segmentation that makes the most sense for your campaign, our team will create bespoke messaging for each segment to maximise conversions.

Before having come to us, many clients were struggling with low open rates, partly because their emails were getting caught in their subscribers’ spam filters. Often, this even happens with those subscribers who’ve expressed an interest in hearing from your company.

Our specialists use tools to identify any spam filter or deliverability issues before we take on your project, and we also monitor related metrics throughout the process to make sure we fix any issue that arises.

Yes, in fact email automation is key to all of the marketing campaigns we run for our clients. Our specialists will simply set up a trigger—that is, a predefined event—that activates automated sending. For example, for an automated welcome email, the trigger would be an action like signing up for your newsletter.

Absolutely. We use a variety of multichannel strategies to integrate your email marketing into the mix, ensuring we fully leverage your other channels to grow your mailing list.

Sure! We’re partnered with HubSpot, Salesforce, Mailchimp and many other CRM systems, and our specialists have a huge amount of experience in integrating email marketing and other channels with CRMs. This might mean setting you up from scratch, or alternatively optimising your existing setup to make sure every channel is working properly with the others.

Yep! You can check out the variety of email marketing campaigns we’ve run for a wide range of clients over at our case studies.

We only track the metrics that demonstrate real and tangible growth to you, like open rates, click rates, ROI and response rate. We use custom reports, advanced tools and reporting dashboards to measure your success against the KPIs agreed to at the start of our partnership.

Absolutely—in fact we include this as standard. Our talented in-house writers and designers have an ongoing process of testing and optimising emails, all conveying the same message but in markedly different ways to see which version performs best.

We’ve helped a lot of businesses—but don’t just take our word for it

Our overall D2C sales have increased by 40%, yet our costs have decreased by 30%. Very impressed with the work Pixated have been doing behind the scenes to help us achieve that!
Pixated were hands-on and quick to respond. They communicated frequently and provided regular check-ins. I would definitely go back and use them again!
Pixated’s work has generated a big increase in our online conversions. We are particularly impressed with their professionalism and knowledge.
Pixated’s performance marketing support has led to a tenfold increase in business for our brand. The team have impressed us with their strong communication skills.
Daily reports from Pixated ensured that we could see the direct impact of their impressive work from day one.


Meet your customers where they are-and in a way that works for them.

It’s easy to get caught up in the details of building out an email marketing campaign that works for your customers and business. There’s a lot of learning to be done, sure—but always remember the sheer opportunity that lies before you.

Our bespoke email marketing campaigns empower you to build your brand, exceed your own marketing goals, and position your brand as a leading voice in the industry—all without breaking the bank. With an effective email strategy in place, there’s no easier way to nurture regular and meaningful communication with your customer base—and galvanise real and long-lasting business growth.

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Where’s next for your brand?

No matter where you are in your marketing journey, our dazzling team of specialists will keep you moving, show you how to grow, and help you actualise the vision you’ve always secretly had for your brand.

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