12.08.24 3 min read

Navigating the cookieless world: strategies for a privacy-first future


As digital marketers, we’re on the cusp of a significant change. The phaseout of third-party cookies marks a significant shift in how we track, target, and engage with our audiences online. But with change comes opportunity. By making some strategic shifts in approach, your brand can not only survive but thrive in a cookieless world. 

Here is an overview of the strategies from our e-book, The State of Cookies and Ad Tracking in 2024 and Beyond, created in collaboration with Hyros, to help you adapt and navigate this new landscape successfully.


Understanding the shift to a cookieless world

Growing privacy concerns among users and stringent regulations like GDPR and CCPA have driven the decline of third-party cookies. Major browsers such as Safari, Firefox, and now Google Chrome are phasing out third-party cookies, leaving marketers with the challenge of finding alternative methods for delivering personalised ads. This shift is not merely a technological change but a fundamental rethinking of how customer data will be collected, processed, and utilised.

The impact on marketing strategies

For years, third-party cookies have been the backbone of digital advertising, enabling precise targeting and retargeting based on user behaviour across different sites. With their impending deprecation, marketers must now rely on first-party data and explore new ways to maintain the effectiveness of their campaigns. This transformation will not only impact how ads are targeted but also how their success is measured.

Strategies for thriving in a cookieless world

Leverage first-party data

The most immediate and effective response to the loss of third-party cookies is to maximise the use of first-party data. Which is information collected directly from your audience through interactions on your websites, apps, and other owned channels. By building robust strategies, brands can continue to deliver personalised experiences without infringing on user privacy. Incentivising customers to share their data through loyalty programs, personalised offers, and enhanced user experiences will be key.


Invest in contextual advertising
Contextual advertising, which targets ads based on the content a user is currently engaging with rather than their past behaviour, is making a strong comeback. This approach respects user privacy while still delivering relevant ads. AI and machine learning can significantly enhance contextual advertising by analysing the sentiment and tone of the content, ensuring that ads are not only relevant but also resonate with the user’s current mindset.

Utilise identity resolution techniques
Identity resolution allows marketers to create anonymised profiles of users by combining various data points like demographics, interests, and behaviours. These profiles enable targeted advertising without relying on cookies, maintaining effectiveness while adhering to privacy standards. By enriching these profiles with additional non-sensitive information, brands can improve their understanding of user segments and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly.

Reevaluate key performance indicators (KPIs)
With traditional tracking methods becoming less reliable, marketers need to shift their focus from vanity metrics to more meaningful KPIs. Metrics like conversion rates, customer lifetime value, and engagement quality will become increasingly important in measuring the success of campaigns in a cookieless world. Additionally, privacy-focused analytics tools such as Google’s GA4 are designed to operate effectively without third-party cookies, offering a more sustainable solution for performance measurement.

Adopt server-side tracking
Server-side tracking is an advanced method of data collection that offers greater control over user information and enhances privacy compliance. Unlike traditional client-side tracking, where data is collected via the user’s browser, server-side tracking allows information to be gathered directly from the server, providing a more reliable and secure means of monitoring user interactions. This method also reduces the dependency on browsers, which are increasingly restrictive of cookies and other tracking technologies.

Embracing the future

The phaseout of third-party cookies presents both challenges and opportunities for marketers. By embracing first-party data, investing in new technologies, and adapting to evolving privacy regulations, brands can continue to thrive in this new environment. The transition to a cookieless world is not just about survival; it’s about seizing the opportunity to build deeper, more meaningful relationships with your audience while respecting their privacy. As the digital landscape evolves, those who are proactive and innovative in their approach will be best positioned to succeed.

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