5 Facebook advertising campaign examples to steal | Pixated
18.12.20 4 min read

5 Facebook advertising campaign examples to steal


With all of the different social media platforms available now, there’s plenty of choice when it comes to ad placements. Discover some of the most memorable and effective Facebook ads to inspire your next campaign.

  • Get inspiration for your next campaign from five leading brands delivering innovative ads.
  • Facebook ads are the perfect location to launch your next product, so make sure your social media ad strategy is ticking every box.
  • With practical tips on executing your social advertising strategy, you’ll learn how to create measurable ads that stand out.

According to the latest research, 78% of internet users in the UK are still active on Facebook so it’s important to take advantage of the platform’s enterprise ad tools to broaden your audience reach. In this post, we take a look at some of the ways leading brands are delivering innovative ads and generating great results.

Smart Visuals: ModCloth

ModCloth ad example

Credit: Shortstack

Facebook has put a lot of effort into making different types of ads that you can publish to your target market. One of them is the slick image carousel format, as used by ModCloth here. You can add up to ten images to a carousel for the user to tap or swipe through in their feed, although a lower number would probably be more effective.

You can show off different products with ease, as ModCloth has done here. With the same model showing off different looks, ModCloth are showcasing their best products and giving a sense of the fun retail experience. It also increases the chances of a user seeing something that they might like. The more products, the better the odds.

Know Your Value: Adobe

AirBnB ad

Credit: Falcon.io 

You should use your Facebook ads to the best of your brand’s advantage. Think about what you already have at your disposal that can really make your ads pop. For Adobe, they have access to hundreds and thousands of stunning premium images. Not only does their ad look good, but it gives a sense of the kinds of images that their users can access too.

With their trademark logo stamped across the front, this image says a lot with very few words. The more you can do with imagery, the better, as social media users scroll fast and are unlikely to read long passages of text.

Play With Humour: Edible Blooms

Edible Blooms Facebook ad example

Credit: Shortstack

At the end of the day, Facebook is a social media platform. Most of its users are there on an informal basis, so don’t get too serious with them. Edible Blooms got the idea perfectly with this witty and relevant ad. Tapping into a relatable problem of needing to make up with your partner fits with their target market and might bring a smile to someone’s face.

Instant Call To Action: LEGO

Converse IG Stories

Credit: Hootsuite

Making the most of Facebook’s other features in your ads is a great idea, like this one from LEGO that promotes an event. The more touchpoints you can create with your audience, the better. In this case, once someone has clicked ‘Interested’ on an event, you can reach their notifications by posting in the event, inviting them to Like your Page and so on.

Using ads like these to build a closer connection with your audience is ideal. There is so much content on Facebook feeds that it’s easy to get lost in the crowd. Heading to areas like Groups or Events lets you populate those spaces with relevant people and reach them more directly.

Simple Bonuses: Snapfish

Converse IG Stories

Credit: Shortstack

People browsing on social media are used to being shown opportunities to buy or sign-up for different products all the time. Using a freebie to grab their attention is a great way to stop them scrolling and get them to focus on your brand.

Here, Snapfish leads with everything that you can get for free if you download their app, as well as showcasing their branding as much as possible. This helps encourage users to both download their app and start shopping, as well as increasing brand awareness even for people who don’t click on the freebie itself.

The main thing to remember when creating a Facebook ad is to get creative. Every one of these successful ads took a unique quality of their brand and made it stand out from the other, generic posts on Facebook. Use their layouts and fresh ideas to show off your brand’s best features and you’re sure to see your Facebook stats soaring in no time.


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