
Email open rates surge from 17% to an impressive 65% for this events company
  • 48%

    increase in email open rates

  • 20%

    increase in click rates

  • 18%

    increase in conversion rate

Foreverland, the masterminds behind unforgettable rave experiences, approached us seeking solutions for their Email, SMS and performance marketing challenges.

In response, we crafted a comprehensive strategy to breathe new life into their event communications. Overcoming obstacles like an outdated email system and a vast unengaged database, we smoothly transitioned to Klaviyo, refreshed content creation, and meticulously cleaned up their database.

The results spoke volumes – a fully warmed-up account, impressive open rates soaring from 17% to 65%, a solid 20% increase in click rates, and the strategic targeting of engaged audience groups.

Foreverland, the masterminds behind unforgettable rave experiences, approached us seeking solutions for their Email, SMS and performance marketing challenges. In response, we crafted a comprehensive strategy to breathe new life into their event communications. Overcoming obstacles like an outdated email system and a vast unengaged database, we smoothly transitioned to Klaviyo, refreshed content creation, and meticulously cleaned up their database.

The results spoke volumes – a fully warmed-up account, impressive open rates soaring from 17% to 65%, a solid 20% increase in click rates, and the strategic targeting of engaged audience groups.

Read on to find out how we achieved this.


  • Emails & SMS marketing
  • Go to market strategy
  • Klaviyo onboarding
  • Email & SMS content creation
  • A/B testing
  • Automations
  • Promo email campaigns
  • SMS blasts
  • Newsletter
  • Meta ads management
  • PPC campaign management
The challenge

Foreverland faced a few hurdles before our collaboration. Their old email system was a bit of a headache – it was hard to use, and they couldn’t really see what was going on with their data. Plus, they were missing a game plan for sending out emails, and their email domains were getting into some spam trouble. On top of that, they had this big database of people who weren’t really engaging with them anymore. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Outdated email system: before we stepped in, Foreverland’s old email system was a bit of a nightmare. It was clunky, tough to figure out, and didn’t give them a clear view of what was going on with their data.
  • Lack of data clarity: the constraints of the outdated system posed significant challenges for Foreverland. In a landscape where data-driven strategies are crucial, the limitations of the old system became a bottleneck, preventing Foreverland from unleashing the full potential of their marketing efforts.
  • Absence of email strategy: a key missing element was a coherent game plan for email outreach. Without a strategic approach, Foreverland faced difficulties in delivering targeted and impactful email campaigns.
  • Spam issues: their email addresses were caught up in some spam troubles, making it harder for their messages to reach inboxes. This not only posed a practical difficulty in reaching their audience but also posed a potential risk to the trustworthiness of the Foreverland brand. The spam issues were more than just a technical glitch; they had the potential to impact how the brand was perceived by their audience.
  • Unengaged database: compounding the challenges, Foreverland possessed a sizable database, but a substantial portion of it consisted of individuals who had disengaged with the brand over time.
The solution

In tackling these issues head on, our first move was to guide Foreverland through a seamless transition to Klaviyo. We also cooked up a solid plan for both email and SMS, so they could reach people better. And to tidy things up, we did a thorough cleanup of their database, getting rid of all the subscribers who weren’t interested.

  • Transition to Klaviyo: in addressing Foreverland’s challenges, our first pivotal move involved orchestrating a seamless transition to Klaviyo. We guided Foreverland through every step, ensuring a smooth switch that caused minimal disruptions to their daily operations.
  • Strategic email and SMS planning: Recognising the need for a well-thought-out approach, we put on our thinking caps and devised a robust plan for both email and SMS marketing. This strategic initiative aimed to not only improve outreach but also to ensure that every message landed effectively, resonating with the intended audience.
  • Database cleanup: To create a solid foundation for effective communication, we went beyond strategy and rolled up our sleeves for a deep dive into Foreverland’s database. We waved goodbye to all the contacts who had lost interest or gone silent, leaving Foreverland with a database that was not just big but also active and engaged. It was all about quality over quantity, setting the stage for more effective and targeted communication.

When we made the move to Klaviyo for Foreverland, it was a game-changer. Their account got a serious kick, becoming way more active, and suddenly, their emails were popping up in inboxes more than ever. Let’s break down the highlights:

  • From an initial 17%, open rates skyrocketed to an impressive 65%, signalling a significant surge in audience engagement.
  • Click rates experienced a solid 20% increase, reflecting heightened interaction and interest.
  • Through precise targeting of specific audience groups, we not only boosted event attendance but also uncovered segments genuinely interested in Foreverland’s offerings.
  • This targeted approach not only enhanced event attendance but also contributed to building a more profound and lasting connection with their diverse audience.

Simply put, our strategic initiatives not only fine-tuned email performance but also set the foundation for lasting growth and strengthened brand connection. This shift extends beyond mere metrics, shaping a more impactful and enduring relationship between Foreverland and its audience.

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